New Patient Registration Our new patient registration form is designed to streamline your onboarding process, making it quick and easy to gather essential information. Fill out the form to ensure we have all the details needed to provide you with the best possible care. "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 4 0% Patient DetailsTitle*Surname*Given Name/s*Date of Birth* DD slash MM slash YYYY Gender*Please selectMaleFemaleOtherIf other, please specify*Marital Status*Please selectSingleMarriedDefactoSeparatedDivorcedWidowedMedicare No.*Ref No.Expiration DatePension, Health Care Card or DVA White/Gold Card No:Expiration DateOccupationEmployerHome Address*Postcode*Postal Address*Postcode*Email* Phone (Home)Phone (Work)Phone (Mobile)* Next of KinName*Relationship to you*Phone (Mobile)*Phone (Home)Phone (Work)Emergency ContactName*Relationship to you*Phone (Mobile)*Phone (Home)Phone (Work)Do you identify as someone from a culturally and/or linguistic diverse background?* Yes No If yes, Please indicate ethnicity*To assist with health initiatives - are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?* Yes - Aboriginal Yes - Torres Strait Islander Yes - Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander No Health QuestionnaireAllergy to medication or food?* Yes No Unknown If yes, Please specify*Smoker Status* Never Smoked Ex-Smoker Smoker If Ex-Smoker, Please specify year quitIf Smoker, Please specify no per dayAlcohol Intake* Nil Yes If yes, please choose standard drinks/per* Day Week Month No of drinks*Recreational Drugs* Yes No Regular Medications* Nil Yes If yes, Please list below any medications and their doses if known – include over the counter medications and supplements* Add RemoveCurrent/Previous Medical Conditions* Nil Yes If yes, please tick any that apply* Asthma Diabetes Type 1/Type 2 Heart Attack (MI) Stroke/CVA Pacemaker DVT Emphysema Depression and/or Anxiety Cancer HIV/AIDS Hepatitis A / B / C Epilepsy Other Please specify Cancer typeIf other, please specify*Family Medical History* Nil Yes If yes, Please list below*Relation to you (e.g., mother, grandfather, sibling)Condition/s Add Remove Our practice undertakes research, professional development, and quality assurance/improvement activities to improve patient care. All people accessing personal health information for this purpose have signed a written confidentiality agreement.I consent to my health record being reviewed and uploaded to My eHealth Record as a part of the quality improvement activities in this practice.* Yes No I give permission for my personal information to be collected, used and disclosed as described in this practice policy. I understand only my relevant personal information will be provided to allow the above actions to be undertaken and I am free to withdraw, alter or restrict my consent at any time by notifying this practice in writing.* Yes No Our practice uses a reminder system to improve the quality of your health care. The practice sends reminders by mail or telephone for procedures such as vaccinations, pap smears and other health reviews.* Yes No I consent to being contacted with reminders by sms/phone/email* Yes No CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ